1. Scroll to the bottom of the course page on our website and click 'Buy now'.

    Course purchase step 1

  2. You will be redirected to our Course Merchant site where you can increase the quantity of course licences you would like to purchase and 'Recalculate' the price.

    Course purchase step 2

  3.  From this screen, click 'Checkout'.

    Create an account

  4. If you haven't already purchased a course from us, you will need to create an account before purchasing. Click 'Register'.

    Register an account

  5. The details you enter here are important. The LMS and Course Merchant site share the same log in. So, you need these details to:
    • manage your licenses (i.e. enrol staff to the course you have purchased) and
    • access the course, if you have purchased one licence for yourself.

      Purchase confirmation

  6. Once you have completed the purchase, you can enrol your users to the course via the link stating 'Click here' to manage your licences'. A confirmation email sent to the address you entered previously. Please save this email for future reference and click on the link.

  7. To assign your course licences to your staff, you need to create a student account for them. This requires only their name and email address.
    Click 'Create a Student list'

    Manage your students

  8. We recommend you name your student list after the course name and click 'Add'

    create student list

  9. Now, add your students to this list. You can either do this one by one or in one go, separating each student by a line break and a comma between their email address, first name and last name.

    create student accounts

  10. Finally, you can assign the course to your students and they will be notified by email with instructions for how to access their course.
    Click 'Select All' and then click 'Enrol Selected Students'.

    Enrol students