If a user's LMS license is suspended they will still have an account with completion data but be unable to log in. They will also not use up a LMS license. Once they need to take a course, you can unsuspend this LMS license. 

This will allow you to tightly manage your LMS licences and only purchase the licenses you need.

This process works best if you are able to suspend all of your users i.e. when you have no courses that are still running on the LMS.

To do this:

  1. Filter out essential users by applying the following filters on the 'Search Users' page:

    Username doesn't contain "your username"
    Email address doesn't contain "[email protected]"
    Email address doesn't contain "@eukleia"

    (essential users are yourself and eukleia's five accounts)

    Filter out users that must not be suspended
  2. With these users filtered out, select Bulk user actions:

    Bulk user actions

  3. Add all selected users to the selection for a Bulk User action by clicking 'Add all' on the next screen.

  4. Chose the bulk user action of Download and click 'Go'.

    Add filtered users to bulk action selection

  5. If you download these users as a .xlsx file, it will be easier to use Excel to remove and add columns:

    Incomplete email

  6. The file generated contains more columns than you'll need to bulk suspend your users. 
    • You don't need the following column headings:
      id, idnumber, institution, department, phone1, phone2, city, url, icq, skype, aim, yahoo, msn, country
    • You only need: 'username', 'email' .
    • And you may like to keep: 'firstname', 'lastname'. 
    • You also need a column with the heading of: 'suspended'

  7. Enter the value of '1' for every users' suspended property and your sheet should look like this:

    Bulk Suspend users sheet

    Now, save the file as a CSV file so that the LMS can import it.

  8. Click 'Upload users' from your home page and upload your modified sheet:

    Upload Users link

  9. You may like to increase the 'Preview rows' to allow you to preview everyone on your sheet. If that is 101 users, you'll need to select 1000 preview rows:

    Upload users with complete CSV

  10. The LMS will upload your spread sheet but not process the suspensions. Change the settings to those shown below before clicking 'Upload Users'.

    Bulk Suspend users settings

  11. The Upload users results screen, will show whether the suspension has processed from the 'Suspended account' column:

    suspension results

Unsuspend users and enrol to a course in one action

With every user account suspended, you can now process your course enrolment and unsuspension.

  1. Use the same column headings and change the suspended column to '0'.

     add the course column headings - course1, course2 e.t.c up to the number of courses you need to enrol to. Add the course short code(s) into the course columns.

    unsuspend and enrol spreadsheet

  2. Upload this csv file and chose the following settings:

    unsuspend and enrol settings

  3. You can check the results of this action from the Enrolments and Suspended account column on the  Upload users results screen:

    unsuspend and enrol results