1. Click 'Upload users' from your home page.

    Upload Users link 
  2. Download our 'Csv template' spreadsheet to assist you with entering your students details correctly.

    download a template spreadsheet

  3. There is a demo user in the sheet to show you how to fill in each column. Replace this user with one of your students and add more students in the rows below.
    Note: usernames must be all lower case.

    csv template

  4. Return to the 'Upload users' page again. This time, upload your completed template.

  5. The only setting you will need to change on this screen is the 'Preview rows'. Increase them to allow you to preview everyone on your sheet. If that is 101 users, you'll need to select 1000 preview rows.

  6. The LMS will upload your spread sheet but not create or amend user accounts yet. From need preview screen, scroll to to bottom of your preview rows and move the scroll bar to the far right to show the Status column.
    If there is no text in the Status column, this shows the system will create a new account.
    If there is 'Duplicate address' in the Status column, this shows there is already a user account under that email address / username so an second will not be created.

    Status column

  7. You'll need to tell the LMS how you would like it to process your sheet.
    If all of your users are new, use these settings:

    - Upload type: Add new only, skip existing users
    - New user password: Create password if needed and send via email
    - Existing user details: No changes
    - Existing user password: No changes
    - Force password change: Users having a weak password
    - Allow renames: No
    - Allow suspending and activating of accounts: No
    - Standardise usernames: No
    - Select for bulk user actions: No

    New User settings
    If some your you users are new and some already have a user account, use these settings:- Upload type: Add new and update existing users
    - New user password: Create password if needed and send via email
    Existing user details: Override with file
    - Existing user password: No changes
    - Force password change: Users having a weak password
    - Allow renames: No
    - Allow suspending and activating of accounts: No
    - Standardise usernames: No
    - Select for bulk user actions: No

    New User settings

  8. Once you click upload users for the fourth time, the LMS will process the new user accounts or account amends and provide a summary on the next screen. If there are any errors in the summary, you can use this screen to find them.

    Upload user results